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How do you set up an office in a small space?

We all wish we didn't have to ask ourselves this question but unfortunately today we have to make compromises in our interiors.
Living spaces are getting smaller and more expensive.
So what do you do when you want to have your own home office but don't have the square metres to go with it?

First of all, you need to identify the ideal location:

Is it in your bedroom?
In your living room?
In a hallway?

In any case, you need at least 2m2 of floor space for a standard desk (on 4 legs).
Identify what you need to be comfortable in your home.
The tools you need for good production?

  • Video tablet?

  • Additional keyboard?

  • Mouse?

  • Office supplies (notepads, pencils etc.)

  • Screen (monitor)

  • Laptop computer

Group all these items on the floor where you have decided to set up your office.

Arrange them the way you would like them to be.

This will give you a very good idea of how much space your desk will need to adequately accommodate all your supplies and will tell you exactly how big your desk will need to be.

Do you have that 2m2 of floor space permanently taken up by a 4 legged desk?

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